
I've had to say goodbye more times than I would've liked, but anyone can say that. And no matter how many times we do it, even when it's for the greater good, it still stings. And though we'll never forget what we've given up, we owe it to ourselves to keep moving forward. What we can't do is live our lives always afraid of the next goodbye. Because chances are, they're not gonna stop. The trick is to recognize when a goodbye can be a good thing... when it's a chance to start again.

Connor's letter for Wilhelmina

Poor Connor... he had to let Willie go no matter how much he loves her.

"I need some inspiration too, you know..."

Definitely there's no easy way to say goodbye most especially to people we cared and loved the most. Those people we got used to spending our every day with. No matter how painful it is though, we have to let go at some point. It's gonna be real heart-breaking, depressing for some, and others might even go crazy.

Though it took me more than a couple of years to finally let go of that one person I trully loved, I finally made it this time. For real. I'm not afraid to see him anymore because I can't feel the pain that I used to feel before. I still get sad sometimes, but that's just normal. I regret too most of the time. The thing is, I'm not really sure what I regret about. Is it because I loved him and I was hurt so much because of that? Or is it because we can't even look at each other now as if we never knew each other?

I guess what happened to us, us saying goodbye to each other has been a good thing. I won't say it was for the best. But it was a good thing. And yes, it was definitely a chance to start again.

Now I'm not afraid of goodbyes. That last painful goodbye made me much stronger I suppose. It's still not easy for me to let go of things or people I got used to being with but I'm not such a big girl's blouse anymore.

So yeah... not all goodbyes are bad. :)

So... goodbye for now! :)

Ugly Betty Season 4 Episode 11 - "Back in Her Place"

A Lesson from Betty Suarez

Sometimes, when we want something really bad, we forget that there are other people involved. We just get stuck in our own little world and it doesn't matter what other people feel... except that it DOES matter.

I just finished watching Ugly Betty season 3, episode 4 and I'm waiting for episode 5 to load properly so I decided to share what I just learned from Betty Suarez.
She's right. That statement from her above is so true. We always want something. That's human nature. It's not bad. It only makes us strive even harder to get that something. It makes us stronger, it makes us more determined. We learn to fight, we learn to wait, to hope. All these good things it can bring to us.

But bad things it can bring to other people? Along the way of working so hard just to get that thing that we desire the most, some people are hurt. Maybe we know that, but we just tend to, intentionally or not, not care.

Like when loving someone so much. When you lose someone you really love, you do everything just to make him/her come back. You do all the crazy and evil stuff you didn't even think you could actually do. You just do EVERYTHING. Unknowingly (or knowingly), there are people that are hurt with your desire to be happy. Of course it's not bad to fight for your happiness. But how about fairness?

I've been so much hurt because some people are happy with what and who they have. And I have hurt people because I also wanted to be happy, to stop the hurting. I was really selfish. I'm sure we all are at some point. But at the end of the day, it's always best to do what's right. It will surely hurt you for a while. But after sometime, you'll realize that it's such a relief to let go of everything that's been hurting you and other people. Maybe it wasn't just really for you. Maybe it was not just your REAL happiness. You just thought that it was.

Somewhere along your way, you'll find what really makes you happy. And if this really makes you happy, you'll enjoy every single pain that it will bring you.Remember life's not all about laughter. It's a package--pain and sorrow come with it.

Ugly Betty, Season 3 Episode 4 - "Betty Suarez Land"